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Sub 16:00 Club

4k (2.5 miles: 1984 was the first year that the 4k was run)
*The time was converted from a 3K performance.
Name Time Year
Marsha Grondziak 13:47 1984
Sonette Shipman 14:24* 1981
Sherry Barnes 14:41* 1981
Anna Pullman 14:41* 1983
Cathy White 14:41* 1983
Michelle Corbin 14:55* 1984
Jessica Grimes 15:06 1994
Dawn Brese 15:11 1987
Leia White 15:14 1999
Jody Syck 15:19 1989
Kate Gauf 15:19 2004
Melissa Goodnight 15:20* 1983
Tracy Harrell 15:21* 1983
Stephanie Huston 15:21 1985
Raquel Miller 15:22 1999
Kim Hocker 15:23 1989
Toi Lee 15:23 1989
Kelly Hill 15:24* 1981
Ashley Baker 15:29 2005
Melissa Kendall 15:33 1991
Debbie Portish 15:34 1987
Kim Kirkham 15:34 1992
Anita Nebesney 15:36 1981
Leslie Peacock 15:38 1992
Michele Mynatt 15:39 1999
Jamie Snowden 15:45 2003
Beth Emborksy 15:46 1999
Leslie Coffman 15:47 1992
Jenna Long 15:48 2005
Lauren Stalzle 15:49 1996
Lindsay Collins 15:50 1995
Lisa Brese 15:55 1984
Kourtney Crawford 15:55 1999
Alicia Swanson 15:56 1990
Kristin Ehrhardt 15:58 1999