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College Scholarships

Image of BD Dads' Organization logo

The Ben Davis Dads’ Organization will offer two $1,000 dollar scholarships used towards the recipient’s college education. These scholarships are non-renewable, and will be awarded once per academic school year. One scholarship shall be awarded to a female student, and the other to a male student. The intent of this scholarship is to reward two graduating seniors who have demonstrated outstanding volunteerism and community service, while maintaining high academic standards. These attributes are the foundation of the BD Dads’ Organization. To be eligible for the Ben Davis Dads’ Organization College Scholarship, a student must meet the following minimum requirements:

  • Must be a senior and enrolled as a full time student at Ben Davis High School.
  • Must have a minimum of 3.0 GPA (A copy of your transcript must be included with your paperwork, and can be obtained through your school counselor.)
  • Demonstrate community involvement, and volunteerism while attending Ben Davis High School.
  • Submit a 500 word personal essay on experiences they have gained through volunteer or community work.
  • Submit two brief letters of recommendation from persons other than relatives (suggested people are teachers, school staff, ministers, community leaders, employer, and coaches.)
  • Must have been accepted for admittance into a four year accredited college, or university
  • Will be registered at this college or university as a full time student

To be considered for the Ben Davis Dads’ Organization $1,000.00 College Scholarship students must meet all the criteria listed above along with submitting the official scholarship application and the 500 word essay on the experiences they have gained through volunteer work which they have performed while attending Ben Davis High School.

Additional consideration will be given to scholarship applicants in which their Father, Step-Father, or Grand Father has been actively involved as either a past our current member of the BD Dads’ Organization for a minimum of two full school years. Students that have volunteered time helping the BD Dads’ Organization will also receive additional consideration.

The application, essay, and two letters of reference must be received by Mr. Matt Clodfelter no later than the 31st of March. The $1,000 scholarship will be paid directly to the college or university the student will be attending. The winners of the Ben Davis Dads’ College Scholarship will be determined at the sole discretion of the BD Dads’ Executive Board. Scholarship winners will be determined by fulfillment of the minimum criteria listed above, along with applicants exhibiting behavior which mirrors the core beliefs of our organization. Ben Davis HS administration shall be notified of the BD Dads’ Organization scholarship winners on or before the 14th of March. Due to organizational funding the BD Dads’ reserve the right to dis-continue the scholarship program, or place a limit of one $1,000 scholarship each year. We are in hopes we will be able to offer two each year. If not, then genders will be merged into one large grouping. Applicable Majors: All fields of study

Photo of Madison Vivace--2023 BD Dads Scholarship Recipient