Educational Grants shall be awarded to promote, and encourage creative and/or innovative efforts that contribute to student success. These Grants are designed to fund additional programs which benefit the students within Ben Davis High School.
Any full time teacher within Ben Davis High School is eligible to apply for this grant.
Grants will be considered for any amount up to but will not exceed $1,000 in one school year.
Teachers may apply for multiple Grants per school year. Teachers are not allowed to receive more than $1,000.00 in BD Dads Organization Grants per school year. If your grant request was denied, teachers are encouraged to re-apply the following semester.
Specific clubs, teams, or programs may apply for up to one grant per school year.
Mini-grants funding shall not exceed $250.00 per Application.
Major grant funding shall be between $251.00 up to a $1,000.00 maximum.
Money used to support this grant program is obtained through our fundraising efforts. Available funds for these grants will vary from semester to semester.
Through the scoring process, our Board of Directors shall make the determination as to which grant Applications are awarded funds. If a grant is denied by our Board of Directors, applicants are encouraged to re-submit their grant Applications the following semester.
The BD DADS’ Board of Directors will determine how students are best affected by the funds requested.
Collaborative projects (PBL) that involve multiple subjects, or disciplines are welcomed.
The BD DADS’ Organization shall make the final determination as to which applicants are granted requested funds.
All grant money awarded must be spent during the school year in which it was granted.
Funded grantees must complete their activities, or purchase materials within the school year in which the grant was given.
A final report shall be submitted to the BD DADS’ Organization in regards to the activity or project, the success and how the funds were used. It is recommended that pictures of specific program are attached to the final report.
Mini-grant Applications will be accepted throughout the school year.
Major grant Applications will be accepted twice during each school year. Fall semester major grant applications must be received prior to August 15. Spring Semester major grant applications must be received prior to the start of winter break.
Teachers will be notified of awarded Grant funding through the BD Dad’s Organization.
On the application, please thoroughly explain the project. Please use secondary page if required.
On the application, include specific details about the projects educational value. Explain if a project is also tied to a specific state standard.
Each applicant will receive an acknowledgment confirming receipt of your application.
All grant money awarded must be spent during the school year in which it was granted.
Lead applicant will be notified that they have or have not been awarded grant money, along with a brief explanation as the reason monies were not awarded.
Funded grantees must complete their activities, and present a final report to the BD DADS’ Org. as to the success of the activity where grant money was used.
Applicants should avoid requesting funds that could be found through other sources or that require a continuing commitment of funds beyond the original proposal.
All applicants receiving Grant’s shall agree to submit a written report explaining the project's effectiveness.
Report contents should be summarized while hitting the high points of the project.
Reports must not exceed one page in length.
All applicants are encouraged to take digital pictures of students while participating in the project, and are to be included in the final report.
All applicants receiving grants shall agree that any/or all material contained in the final report maybe used by the BD Dad’s Organization for the sole purpose of attaining additional sponsorship funding for this program.
Completed grant applications, along with supporting documents should be submitted to Assistant Principal - Mr. Matt Clodfelter.