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Parking Pass

Driving to school is a privilege and earned by students who follow the student code of conduct rules and make academic progress. The following information outlines requirements/procedures for eligible students to obtain their parking permit:
  • Only students in good standing at Ben Davis High School will be allowed to park on the campus during school hours.  A student in good standing must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0 AND 95% attendance (as measured by the semester prior).
  • ALL students who want to drive to Ben Davis High School must complete an application, which is available in the main office.  Students must also present a photocopy of both a valid Indiana drivers license and proof of insurance, and vehicle registration.  (Sophomores may apply with permission granted based on availability)
  • Students must complete the registration card completely and pay a one-time fee of $20.00 for their parking tag, valid for the current school year.  The Ben Davis receptionist in the main office will issue all student parking tags.
  • Parking is “festival” style with no reserved spaces.
  • The student parking lot is located on the south side of the Ninth Grade Center. Students enter door #2 or door #3 until the school day begins.  Five minutes prior to the start of period one, these doors are locked and students will enter door #1.
  • Student stickers are to be displayed in both the front and rear window of the vehicle on the driver’s side.
  • The east lot is the main staff parking lot.  The first row is reserved for visitors to Ben Davis High School.
  • The north lot contains our Student Drop-Off Loop.  Additional staff parking and reserved visitor parking for the Career Center are also in the north lot.
  • The west lot is reserved for Career Center transfer students.  The Assistant Principal for the Career Center issues parking tags to students attending both the morning and afternoon sessions.
  • Vehicles parked on Ben Davis property without a valid parking tag are subject to towing at owner’s expense.  Student vehicles that are not parked in the designated student parking lot are subject to ticketing or towing at owner’s expense.  Student must have stickers purchased and displayed within the first few weeks of school. Listen to the daily announcements for displaying your parking pass.
  • A Wayne security officer monitors all parking lots at Ben Davis High School for safety and security, issuing warning stickers when necessary. Before the officer requests towing for any student’s vehicle at Ben Davis, the Deans’ Office will first provide him with a completed Towing Notification Form, indicating that the student has received proper warning.