Ben Davis High School
Attendance is critical to the success of your child in school.Parents needing to report student absences should call the BDHS Attendance Hotline, 317-988-7300. This voice-mail-based system is available 24 hours a day. When the Attendance Hotline is answered, recorded instructions for parents are given. When phoning, please plan to leave:
- The student’s name (first, middle, and last) and grade (please include the correct spelling of the name)
- The date of the absence
- The reason for the absence
- The parent’s name and a day phone number
Early Release
Due to construction, we are asking ALL parents to call ahead for early releases. There is limited space and parking and this will help with traffic.
Parents will need to call: 317-988-7300. PARENTS MUST CALL the attendance line for an early release ONE HOUR BEFORE THE DESIRED RELEASE TIME.
Early Release Calls end at 3pm!